Grupo Planus


Our team is made up of more than 100 multidisciplinary and highly trained employees, many of whom have been following the company's growth for a long time. All are oriented towards a proactive and active vision - which allows the prompt identification of the demands of each client.

Talk to the partners:

Rio de Janeiro

Av. Rio Branco, 43 - 15º/18º/20º andares

Centro - Rio de Janeiro, RJ

+55 (21) 2211-0011


Av. Nossa Sra. da Glória, 2.987 - sl. 101

Cavaleiros - Macaé, RJ

+55 (22) 2765-5373

São Paulo

Rua Alves Guimarães, 462, 2º andar

Pinheiros - São Paulo, SP

+55 (11) 96764-9722